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  • Writer's pictureanonymous woman

I applied for student housing at a school in Manhattan. As a graduate student, I was eligible to live in one of the townhouses the school owned in Brooklyn. I would have preferred to be closer to campus but like many students, I would have about an hour morning commute so I compromised.

What I couldn't compromise on was the fact that they refused to separate students by sex. When I got my housing assignment I had been put on a floor with 2 men I didn't know and we would all be sharing a bathroom. I'm a lesbian and the idea of living with men makes me highly uncomfortable, not to mention sharing a bathroom at home with the opposite sex. I've also been exposed to male violence my entire life.

When I called the housing department to ask for single-sex housing they were offended and told me no one had ever asked for that before (which I don't believe). I ended up not going to that school due to housing issues and other concerns I had about them throwing women under the bus in favor of trans ideology.


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